Virtues of Kalimah Tayyibah
Abu Hurairah R.A narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: Iman (faith) has more than seventy branches; the superiormost one is saying La ilaha illallah (there is none worthy worship except Allah); and the inferior most is the removal of an obstacles from the way; and Haya is a branch of iman. (Muslim)
Note: The essence of Haya is that it restrains a man from evil and prevents a man from neglecting the obligations that he owes to others. (Riyad-us-salihin)
Abu Bakr RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: He who accepts from me the Kalimah, which I presented to my uncle (Abu Talib at the time of his death) and he rejected it, this will be means for his salvations. (Musnad Ahmad)
Abu Hurairah RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: Whenever a slave (of Allah) says La ilaha illallah sincerely, the doors of the skies are opened (for it to ascend) until it reaches the Arsh (Throne of Allah, and is readily accepted) provided he abstains from major sins. (Tirmidhi)
Note: To say sincerely means that it is free from pretence and hypocrisy. Abstaining from major sins ensures its rapid acceptance, and even if it recited without abstaining from major sins, it is still beneficial and rewarding. (Mirqat-ul-Mafatih)
Abu Hurairah RA narrates that Rasulullah SAW said: He who says La ilaha illallah, it shall benefit him (be means for salvation) though before that he may be afflicted by what (punishment) is to befall him. (Bazzar,Tabarani,Targhib)
Umar RA narrates Nabi SAW said: O son of Khattab! Go and announce amongst the people that indeed none shall enter paradise except the Mu’minun (believers). (Muslim)
Anas RA narrates: I heard Nabi SAW saying: When the Day of Resurrection will take place, I will be allowed intercession, so I will say: O my Rabb! Send to paradise whoever had in their hearts a mustard seed of Iman (Allah SWT will accept my intercession), so they will enter